Welcome to Santa Teresa Little League
Welcome to another fun and exciting season of Santa Teresa Little League Baseball! The purpose of this safety
manual is to increase safety awareness. Our goal is to keep our participants safe, and to provide direction in case
there is an injury. All Volunteers of the league including Board Members, Managers, Coaches, Umpires, Parents
and Players are to be active participants in the STLL Safety Program and are expected to follow the guidelines in
this manual. The STLL Safety Program will also consist of education, compliance and proper reporting procedures
with the ultimate goal of injury prevention.
Program Philosophy:
Santa Teresa Little League strives to provide a safe, affordable and well-organized program where children can
learn the game of baseball and softball. We aspire towards an environment in which children, parents and
volunteers can participate freely.
Mission Statement:
Santa Teresa Little League is a non-profit organization run by volunteers. Our mission is to provide the children
of our community with the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority.
Review the full Santa Teresa Little League Safety Plan
STLL Safety Code
STLL Codes of Conduct
Accident Reporting Procedure
Snack Shack Safety
Completed Volunteer Background Check List
STLL Rain-Out Policy